Treatment of telogen effluvium: PRP and hair mesotherapy in Mulhouse/Saint-Louis-Basel

Telogen effluvium is a common condition that causes sudden and sudden hair loss for which treatments such as PRP or hair mesotherapy can be effective. People with this condition experience thinning hair and more hair loss than normal.

This is the second most common form of hair loss after androgenic alopecia.

It is important to note that telogen effluvium is different from androgenetic baldness, which is an inherited condition. While androgenetic baldness is permanent, telogen effluvium is often temporary and can be successfully treated.

At the Centre de Médecine Esthétique de Mulhouse/Saint-Louis-Bâle, we offer advanced treatment options, including PRP therapy, to help you regain healthy and abundant hair.

effluvium télogène PRP

Understanding telogen effluvium

Telogen effluvium is indeed a temporary phenomenon of excessive hair loss that usually occurs three to four months after a triggering event, once the hair reaches the hair loss phase of the hair cycle. During this time, the hair falls out in groups, which can lead to visible thinning of the hair.

Hair loss due to telogen effluvium can indeed occur suddenly and be quite traumatic for people who experience it. This condition can lead to abundant and rapid hair loss, which means that those affected may notice clumps of hair in the shower, on their hairbrush, or even by simply running their hand through their hair. This can be concerning and cause emotional stress, but it is important to remember that in many cases, telogen effluvium is temporary and reversible with time and appropriate treatments.

Telogen effluvium usually lasts about six months. In most cases, this imbalance in the hair cycle resolves on its own over time. However, to promote hair regrowth during this period, certain products and gestures can be useful. It is true that in most cases, telogen effluvium affects only a limited part of the hair, i.e. less than 50% of the hair.

It is important to note that during telogen effluvium, new hair naturally grows back to replace the lost hair, allowing for a gradual recovery of hair density as the hair cycle resumes its normal course.

Causes of telogen effluvium

There are several factors that can trigger telogen effluvium. Physical and emotional stress is one of the main causes of this condition. Events such as serious illness, major surgery, childbirth, or trauma can lead to hair loss. Hormonal changes, such as those that occur after childbirth or during menopause, can also play a role in the onset of telogen effluvium. In addition, certain medical conditions, such as thyroid disorders or iron deficiency, can contribute to this condition.

Treatment Options for Telogen Effluvium

The symptoms of telogen effluvium can vary from person to person, but excessive hair loss is a common sign. Hair may become thinner and thinner, and the loss may be greater when brushing or washing the hair.

To diagnose telogen effluvium, a medical professional will review the patient’s medical history and perform a physical exam. Additional testing may be required to rule out other underlying conditions. It is important to consult a medical aesthetics specialist to get an accurate diagnosis and determine the best treatment plan.

PRP therapy for telogen effluvium at the Biolaser aesthetic center in Mulhouse/Saint-Louis-Basel

PRP therapy, or platelet-rich plasma, is a popular technique used in medical aesthetics to treat telogen effluvium at the Mulhouse/Saint-Louis-Basel Biolaser Center. This procedure involves injecting platelet-rich plasma directly into the scalp. Platelet-rich plasma contains growth factors that promote cell regeneration and hair growth.

PRP therapy is a non-surgical and safe treatment, which can be performed in the clinic. Results may vary from person to person, but many patients see a significant improvement in hair density after several treatment sessions. It is important to consult a qualified professional in Mulhouse/Saint-Louis-Basel for advice on the best PRP treatment approach.

Mesotherapy for telogen effluvium at the Biolaser aesthetic center in Mulhouse/Saint-Louis-Basel

Like PRP, mesotherapy is another effective treatment option for telogen effluvium accessible at the Biolaser Center in Mulhouse/Saint-Louis-Basel. This technique involves injecting small amounts of medications, vitamins, and minerals directly into the scalp. These substances stimulate blood circulation, nourish the hair follicles and promote hair growth.

Mesotherapy is a safe and virtually painless treatment. The results may take several months to be visible, but many patients see a significant improvement in hair density and quality after several treatment sessions. It is important to consult with a qualified professional to determine the appropriate mesotherapy formula for your needs.

Laser therapy for telogen effluvium

Laser therapy is a non-invasive treatment option for telogen effluvium. This technique uses beams of light to stimulate hair follicles, improve blood circulation, and promote hair growth. Laser therapy can be performed in the clinic or at home using laser therapy devices for personal use.

Laser therapy like hair PRP is a safe and effective treatment, but results can vary from person to person. It is important to consult a qualified professional in Mulhouse/Saint-Louis-Basel for advice on the best laser treatment approach and to determine the duration and frequency of treatment needed.

Home Remedies and Lifestyle Changes for Telogen Effluvium

In addition to medical and cosmetic treatments, there are home remedies and lifestyle changes that can help treat telogen effluvium. A balanced, nutrient-dense diet, the use of gentle hair products, maintaining good scalp hygiene, and reducing stress can all contribute to hair health.

It is crucial to note that home remedies and lifestyle changes should not be seen as substitutes for medical treatments, but rather as supplements. It is best to consult with a medical aesthetics professional for personalized advice on the best treatment options.

Here are some tips for managing telogen effluvium

  1. Consult a medical aesthetics professional for an accurate diagnosis.
  2. Identify and manage triggers such as stress or hormonal changes.
  3. Opt for treatments such as PRP therapy, mesotherapy or laser therapy.
  4. Maintain a balanced diet rich in nutrients.
  5. Use gentle hair products and avoid excessive heat.
  6. Practice stress management techniques such as meditation or yoga.
  7. Be patient, as regrowth can take time.
  8. Avoid tight hairstyles that could worsen hair loss.
  9. Consult a professional regularly to adjust your treatment plan.
  10. Take care of your overall well-being to promote hair health.


Telogen effluvium can be a source of stress and discomfort for many people, but it is important to know that there are effective treatment options in medical aesthetics. Whether through PRP therapy, mesotherapy, laser therapy or home remedies, telogen effluvium can be treated and healthy and abundant hair can be restored with the help of the Biolaser Centre in Mulhouse/Saint-Louis-Basel

If you suffer from this condition, it is recommended that you consult a qualified professional in the field of medical aesthetics. They will be able to assess your condition, determine the underlying cause of telogen effluvium, and provide you with the best treatment options tailored to your needs.

Remember, hair health is an important aspect of our overall well-being, and taking care of our hair and scalp is essential to maintaining its long-term health.

Docteur THANACODY Michaël

Médecine esthétique et laser

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Note: Veuillez noter que cet article est fourni à titre informatif uniquement et ne remplace en aucun cas une consultation médicale ou professionnelle. Consultez toujours un professionnel de la santé qualifié avant d'entreprendre tout traitement pour votre peau.