Hyaluronic acid: facial contours

L’acide hyaluronique est un actif naturellement présent dans le corps et qui est utilisé dans de nombreux traitements en médecine esthétique.

It is a deeply moisturising molecule, capable of retaining up to a thousand times its weight in water. It keeps the skin healthy: not only does it moisturise, it also keeps it firm, elastic and protected.

What is sagging skin ?

Skin slackening is a complex process involving numerous biological, biochemical and physical interactions.

It appears mainly as a result of ageing, major weight loss or hormonal changes. Other factors can also cause sagging skin, such as smoking, a poor lifestyle or overexposure to the sun.

This slackening alters the skin’s functions :

  • Cell renewal slows down
  • Fibroblasts (the cells that make collagen and elastin) weaken
  • The quantity of hyaluronic acid in our dermis decreases;
  • Muscle and fat loss appear;
  • Keratinocyte proliferation slows down.

These age-related changes in our bodies result in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, thinner skin, loss of elasticity, drier skin, excess skin and sagging. 

Sagging skin is therefore the main cause of aesthetic alterations to the face. The oval of the face in particular, which concerns the lower part of the face. This area extends from the ears to the mandibles. Known as the “triangle of youth”, the oval of the face naturally takes on a V shape.

Indications and contraindications for reshaping the oval of the face with hyaluronic acid

Injections of hyaluronic acid into the oval of the face are indicated when skin slackening results in :

  • A hollow face
  • Drooping cheeks and cheekbones;
  • Sagging contours
  • The appearance of nasolabial folds and creases;
  • The appearance of jowls
  • Thinning of the lips.

In this context, the expert aesthetic physician can use MD Codes to work on the entire oval of the face, while guaranteeing a harmonious, natural and customised result.

The main contraindications to hyaluronic acid injections are auto-immune diseases, pregnancy or breast-feeding, and skin infections. All this information will be given to you during your initial consultation with Dr Thanacody.

Course of a session of hyaluronic acid injections in the oval of the face with Dr Thanacody

During the hyaluronic acid injection session, the aesthetic doctor takes into account the precise analysis of your face carried out beforehand and injects the product into different areas.

The injections are carried out using fine needles or micro-cannulas. The session lasts around 20 minutes and is only slightly painful.

The different areas that can be injected as part of the treatment of the oval of the face are :

  • The angle of the mandible
  • The notch between the mandibular area and the chin
  • The chin
  • Nasolabial folds
  • The jowls
  • The lips.

What results can be expected after acid injections into the oval of the face ?

The results are visible almost immediately and are optimal a few days later.

The oval of the face is naturally more harmonious, the skin is deeply hydrated and firmer, and shapes are redefined.

What side-effects or complications can I expect ?

The side effects of hyaluronic acid injections on the oval of the face are few, given that hyaluronic acid is a molecule that occurs naturally in our bodies.

However, bruising or ecchymosis may appear after the session. These side effects are normal, harmless and only last a few days. No social eviction is necessary.

Price of hyaluronic acid injections to reshape the oval of the face

Injections of hyaluronic acid into the oval of the face cost a minimum of €350. The price depends on your personalised treatment plan: the number of areas to be treated and therefore the quantity of hyaluronic acid used.

You will be given a quote after your first consultation with Dr Thanacody.